YOU can contribute to adding images to cards! Every card needs an ""art"" image. All art is temporary and hardly even art, so grab whatever you can find from the internet that is somewhat related to the card name and then do that some more. Twitch emotes, images of h3llomarc, stock photography, art from google images, etc, doesn’t matter.

  • First, clone the github repository for the gamma software. After you make updates, be sure to push to the repo.

  • Project_Gamma/Sprites/Card_Art is where you will be working.

  • The spreadsheet contains all the cards that need images in the “set1” sheet. Column a is the card names, and column k indicates whether a card has been given an image. Be sure to update column k if you give a card an image. Card names highlighted with a \ can and should be given a (new) name, so feel free to do that as well (& remove the \ when you do).

  • All completed card arts should be named CARDNAME.png

  • The Paired_Card_Art folder is where all finished card arts go.

  • The completed unpaired images folder is for images that are done, but have not been paired with a card on the spreadsheet yet.

  • Wip images is where you can put image files as you work on them. There is a photoshop template in here with a circle mask folder and a rectangle mask folder, you can put the image you are using in either. The folders with masks ensure that the card art doesn’t cover parts of the card that may contain actual information.

Card names should attempt to be usable in the final game, but images can be as silly as you want, just make sure they are recognizable at a glance as that is the main purpose here. Without images, cards are very hard to tell apart while playing.