List of things sources can be strong/weak in

  • Units
    • Unit stats overall
    • Defensive stats & abilities
    • Aggressive stats & abilities
    • Going wide
    • Going tall
  • Buffs & Protection
    • Stats / keywords & counterspells
    • Offensive / Defensive
  • Early Game / Late Game
  • Interaction (with:)
    • Single target removal / board clears
    • Speed of interaction
    • Reality / Dream
    • Units / Items / Spells
    • Specific context dependent interaction & weaknesses
    • Big things / Small things
    • Interaction that is Expensive / Cheap
  • Card advantage / pure quantity of draw
  • Card types (Units / Spells / Items)

Narrower things:

  • Healing (Arca)
  • Temporary Removal (Eminus)
  • Fight effects (Eminus)
  • Pre committed interaction in the form of items (Old World)
  • Extra combats (Eminus)
  • Direct damage (Arca & Zelor)

Things we already decided on:

  • Arca & Eminus are the primary dream interacting sources, Material, Old World and Zelor focus more on Reality. These are not hard rules but more about the efficiency / focus.
  • Arca gets making things lose abilities (could move to old world that might make more sense)

Some notes:

  • if we give arca the damaging stack interaction maybe we give another source the cancels (which can’t go to eminus)? Maybe cancels can be old world’s only/primary fast interaction?