There is magic in blood, the essence of life itself. For centuries various cultures have practiced rituals to draw on this power. Blood magic is known for the dark horrible rituals that draw on vast supplies of blood of unfortunate victims to produce powerful effects, but much more than this can be done with blood. Perhaps the oldest form of magic involves drawing on the inherent power in one’s own blood, sacrificing one’s own life force to temporarily strengthen the body and mind. Employed from the outside, this transfer of bodily strength has a history of being used for medical purposes in the form of blood transfusions or the diversion of a patient’s physical strength to the immune system. It has been theorized that this older form of blood medicine might have formed the basis for Sorvald’s minor alchemy.

When The Rift from it spilled Riftblood, a thick almost black viscous blood that pulses with magical power. Those who bathe in it, or too much in the light of the rift, find that it begins to flow in their veins. This special blood empowers blood magic which uses it a thousand fold, granting those with it a supernatural strength and durability, alongside a great unquenchable hunger and rage.