The prevalence of magic has waxed and waned in the world throughout the eras, but all can agree that it reached its zenith in the age of the archmages, at least since the time of The Aulva. Five scholars from The University of Adva delved into the ruins at Aton, to return with great magical secrets that would revolutionize the world. Pyrus, Nyka, Augusta, and Sorvald were students of the college at the time, and the expedition was led by their mentor Oana. Shortly after their discovery they were joined by the Veriglas priest Cyrvo who adapted their findings to create a direct covenant with The Gods. Many years later Lutekai, a student of Sorvald, would invent Major Alchemy and become widely considered as the seventh archmage. After Oana’s death, her student Owain was chosen as her successor. For a moment, the world buzzed with the promise of this young archmage, but his ascension was ill-fated. Driven from his homeland The Apocalypse followed shortly after his ascensoin. Whispers also speak of a mysterious First Archmage said to have come before the others, though most believe this shadowy figure to be merely an urban legend.