The language spoken in Atnia. It should be familiar enough to the reader, bearing striking similarities to English though it has a deeply different history descending from the language of the ancient Aulva. Once, there were a great many variants spoken and written Across Atnia by the indeginous people. After Atnia’s colonization by The Bevan Dynasty these languages were classified as Vulgar Atonian. A more perfect and consistent written form known as High Atonian was developed primarily by Chancellor Pyrus. High Atonian was similar to the original language but with consistent spelling and grammar and with a script designed to be written with a pen on parchment rather than carved, and including some inspiration and influence from the writing systems of Pyrus’s homeland of Hellas and The Bevan’s homeland of Freiko in what is now Jespark. In studying the Aulvan Ruins Pyrus made further modifications to bring Atonian as closely in line with Ancient Aulvan as possible. These influences introduced some minor spoken differences that widened with over a century of isolation between the peasants and nobility, and the nobility’s slow alteration of their speech patterns to more closely match the phonetic pronunciations implied by the written language which was viewed as more ‘pure’.

Over time, however, the strict spelling rules, dictionary, and grammer of High Atonian grew cumbersome, and a third dialect often referred to as Middle Atonian developed — essentially High Atonian with more relaxed rules and the re-introduction of slang.