Literally meaning “half elf” or “little elf”, the word is frequently used to refer to individuals who bear a striking resemblance to stories of the ancient elves, and are thought to have their heritage. These features include a particular height and slenderness, elongated features, and pointed ears. These features appear to be genetic, and at times in history have been explicitly bred for an associated with nobility, in some cases resulting in in-breeding. Aulvalín are most commonly humans, but it has not been historically uncommon for orcs or even goblins to be implied to have Aulvan heritage. Such things are rarely if ever said about ogers, who are thought to be almost polar opposites to elves (indeed they are sometimes referred to by the archaic term auga which is thought to be a direct contrast to The Aulva). Though they did not bear the same physical features, due to the Aulvan Magic they returned from the ruins at Aton, the archmages were sometimes referred to as aulvalín as well.