• mana/resource is now called energy
  • First claim each round costs 2 less instead of a flat rate of 0.
  • removing universal energy production from claims
  • Adding energize keyword. (Gives you 1 energy and 1 energy counter) (for the record i renamed to energy before deciding we needed a counter-type thing to track it xd)
  • there will be an actual energy/mana tracker / counter. At the start of each round you will get an amount of energy equal to your energy counters. There is no limit to how much energy you can have at a given time, however. (We could add a limit at some point if needed, but it’ll just be a universal limit, not limiting your energy to your number of energy counters.) This has no impact on energy production from channeling cards besides being a more formal way to represent it.
  • items will now cost 1 energy less for each round that has passed (1 less on round 2, 2 less on round 3, and so on), rather than for each of your claims (which is how it was before).
  • The old ‘starting claim’ mechanic is back, this time as your “starting location”. You pick one of the starting location cards to be your… starting location for your deck (so 61st card in constructed then). It starts in void, and you can put it into your hand at <speed%> at any time you have priority by putting a card from your hand on the bottom of your deck. The starting locations will be EXTREMELY basic cards, and mostly serve to smooth out draws & give some pre mulligan information to players.
  • board renamed to reality
  • activated abilities are now keyworded as Skill instead of a symbol

Item and claim costs will be rebalanced slightly as needed.

The claim, item, and energy changes mostly serve to improve the claim card type and a minor shift to items.