The primary decision making body of The Old Watch, any time a decision is made if it is not put up to the assembly it is viewed with rumors and suspicion. All citizens have a right to serve on the assembly and cast a ballot on issues. Most issues such as criminal cases, voting on new laws, and distribution of resources are voted on by the assembly. The assembly notably does not set the agenda or decide what is to be voted on, which is the primary task of The Worker’s Council, which has some members appointed by internal elections within the guilds and other slots voted on by the whole assembly. Occasionally, The Defense Council also adds items to the agenda. Decisions in the assembly are made by casting a ballet stone with one’s name on it into an urn representing the option the citizen is voting for. Ballots are counted by The Scribes and checked to make sure there has been no tampering or double voting (among the most serious crimes in The Watch). Most votes in The Old Watch are decided by simple majority